David Denby recenzeaza "Politist adjectiv" in The new Yorker.
Mi-a sarit in ochi ultima lui observatie, "nu se poate abtine sa nu remarce".
We can’t help noticing—as we did during other such works of the New Romanian Cinema as “The Death of Mr. Lazarescu” and “Four Months, Three Weeks, and Two Days”—a pervasive rudeness and suspiciousness, the malevolent hangover from many years of a police state.
N-am intalnit niciodata mai bine prinsa atmosfera acestor ultimi 20 de ani.
O mahmureala rauvoitoare.
Mi-a sarit in ochi ultima lui observatie, "nu se poate abtine sa nu remarce".
We can’t help noticing—as we did during other such works of the New Romanian Cinema as “The Death of Mr. Lazarescu” and “Four Months, Three Weeks, and Two Days”—a pervasive rudeness and suspiciousness, the malevolent hangover from many years of a police state.
N-am intalnit niciodata mai bine prinsa atmosfera acestor ultimi 20 de ani.
O mahmureala rauvoitoare.